You were born with your own personalized Cosmic Guidance System to help you navigate this life. The Sun, the Moon, and the Planets are energetically pointing you in the direction of your purpose and destiny...but are you tuned into their guidance?
The Universe opens doors and presents opportunities for alignment every month! But you can be blind to the cosmic cues and directions without proper Astrological guidance and know-how (I'm going to give you both so that you learn how to tap into this wisdom and help yourself!).
First, you must become aware (that's what I'm here to help with), and second, you must be willing to follow the cosmic directives. But I can guarantee you this: once you begin working with me one-on-one, you will understand how the planets have influenced you thus far in life, and that unshakeable faith in your personal Cosmic Guidance System will be instilled. That's when the real magic begins to happen!
That's when you stop feeling lost, being led astray, or operating on pure guesswork. Then, you will align with the Universe and its Divine timing and perfect cycles. You will start co-creating in harmony with the cosmos to realize your dreams - stepping fully into alignment with your passion, purpose, and prosperity!
One-on-one, we will work together to move you from feeling confused, dissatisfied, and blocked to getting un-blocked, un-stuck, clear on your direction and sure of your unique mission and timing.
Yes, timing is key! Becoming aligned with Divine Timing means you will be swimming WITH the current instead of against it. It's the difference between being IN FLOW versus being stuck and endlessly striving without achieving results. It's the key to your success and answering your Soul's calling.
Here's the catch:
My 1:1 Mentorship program requires you to step into action and personal accountability. The commitment is worth the rewards. It is intensely transformative. I combine Astrological awakening, Divine Timing instruction, targeted mindset work, and energy healing to ensure you get clear, get in sync with the Universe, get out of your way, and get the Soul-aligned results you desire!
Here's my guarantee:
If you sign up to work with me, and after two sessions you feel that it's not the right time or method, you get a full refund (you'd be the first!) - I am so confident in the impact of astrological alignment that I have no hesitation to offer you this guarantee. During your free Discovery Call, we will make sure that we are the perfect fit to work together so that nobody's energy goes to waste.
Divine Timing + Energetic Alignment are vital to your success.
Copyright © 2022 Cristina Dolores Astrology - All Rights Reserved.